SPRING IS HERE: 8 DATING TIPS to a Mutual Connection

A new season has arrived, vaccinations are being dispersed and people are starting to peel into the streets from the year long quarantine-itis. As a result, many are stepping back into the dating game to add some company or rather companionship as the anecdote to cure loneliness.

Relationship Coach and Dating Executive, Antonio Driver shares some real-life tips for consideration on your journey to making a love connection.

8 DATING TIPS for 2021

  1. Worry less about if they like you and more about if you like them.
  2. Rejection is not as personal as it feels. Liking someone or being liked by someone is more about compatibility than inherent worth.


  1. Stop choosing what isn’t choosing you. If it’s not mutual, why pursue it?
  1. Ask yourself: would you be friends with this person if you weren’t physically attracted to them? Be honest with yourself!


  1. Stop being shocked by repeated behavior. Notice the patterns and believe them.
  1. You don’t need to be perfect to be loved. Perfection isn’t relatable. You can’t connect to it.


  1. We all have flaws and vulnerabilities, and being able to own them is one of the most attractive things we can do. The right person will embrace the things you once felt you had to hide
  1. Your love life is only one area of your life. Don’t forget to nurture the rest. Significant others aside, when you visualize coming home to a life you love, what does that look like? Be specified
Antonio Driver, Relationship  Coach
IG: @kingdriver_
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