Everytime I close my eyes, I think of you. My purpose, my destiny and my very assignment for being on earth in this lifetime. Sometimes I am very clear about where I am going and at other times I am completely at a stand still. The idea of not living at a level of passion and fulfillment scares me profusely. In my transition from SHEEN Magazine, I am earnestly learning the intent of patience to know there is something bigger in motion. Yes, we can make plans, but how do these plan stack up against the purpose orchestrated by God. (Hmm)
What am I willing to release in order to move closer to my dream? If I had to answer that question now the response would be I don’t know. However, what I know for sure in my life right now is I surrender all. The more I surrender to his plan the more I discover His original intent and plan for my life becomes clearer. Living on purpose takes courage and I am willing to take a leap.
Trust Him! Even in the moments the answer to all your questions is I don’t know. Hang in there and don’t give up. The answer and the break through is coming for you. God has a bigger dream for you and I, even greater than we can imagine. All He is asking for us to surrender all.
So when you close your eyes imagination takes over confirming the God given idea residing inside of you and me.
xoxo, Sammi