Pastor Sammie Stepping into a New Season, SPRING IS HERE! A Personal Letter to YOU…

I took a moment with one of my favorite photographers, Jeremiah Drummond to be kissed by the California sun under the blue skies and palm trees. The arrival of a new season creates opportunity for expansion, revelation and motivation. With so much excitement, I am ready for what’s next.

We are all experiencing TRANSITION in one form or another; however, it is in these moments we must realize in order for something new to arrive there must be a pruning, a cutting, a letting go of what we once knew. Yes, leaving behind what is comfortable is not always easy but it is required to step fully into the next dimension of life.

If I can be a source of empowerment TODAY, Be brave enough this Spring ’22 to live out loud even at the risk of disappointing people. You were not meant to be the same, look the same, live the same but be forever evolving into the essence of your divine purpose. Be YOU authentically and unapologetically.

Growing things change and You my friend are on a new journey to dream a bigger dream for YOU.

xoxo Pastor Sammie

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